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Texas Music Lawyer (Contracts, Copyrights & Beats)

The music scene in Texas is one of the most underrated in the country. The Dallas Morning News called Texas music a $10 billion industry—and the influence is seen in major events such as the South By Southwest in Austin to the fast-growing underground music scene in Houston.

At Scott Law Team, our Texas music lawyers work tirelessly to provide the highest quality of legal representation to our clients. If you have questions about a music law issue, we are here to help. Call us today or connect with us online to schedule your initial consultation.

Music Law Services We Provide to Clients in Texas

A subset of entertainment law, music law combines elements of contract law, business law, employment law, and intellectual property law. Our Texas music lawyers provide sophisticated legal representation to players across the industry—from individual artists to music production and distribution companies. Some of the music law services that we provide in Texas are as follows:

  • Music Contract Review: Music industry players must operate under well-drafted contracts. A contract will establish your rights and protect you should a dispute arise. Our Texas music lawyers advise clients with all types of music industry contracts, including band/projects contracts, agency agreements, music distribution agreements, and 360 agreements. Contact our Texas music contract review attorneys today.

  • Copyrights (Lyrics, Compositions, Beats, etc): Music is a type of intellectual property. It is protected under copyright law. A copyright can be controlled over the lyrics of a song and/or the composition of a song, including the beats. You need to know how to establish and protect your copyright(s). If you have any specific questions, our Texas music copyright attorney can help.

  • Musical Licensing and Royalties: Our Texas music lawyers help clients with a wide array of music licensing issues, including the structure of royalty payments. A royalty is a payment made in exchange for the legal authority to perform, reproduce, or borrow from a copyright-protected work. If you have specific questions about licensing or royalties of music in Texas, we can help

How Our Texas Music Lawyers Can Help

The music industry is complicated. At Scott Law Team, we help clients simplify any legal matters—so that they can focus on their career and/or their business. More specifically, our Texas music law attorneys will:

  • Conduct a comprehensive review and evaluation of your case;
  • Answer questions about music contract, IP law, or music law;
  • Gather and organize all of the information that you need; and
  • Proactively address any outstanding music law issues.

Call Our Texas Music Law Attorneys Today

At Scott Law Team, our Texas music law attorneys handle a wide range of music law matters, from copyrights to licensing agreements. We are here to ensure that your legal rights and financial interests are properly protected. For your strictly confidential initial consultation, please do not hesitate to contact us today. Our firm provides music law representation throughout Texas.

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