Tag Archives: Florida Labor Lawyers

Do I Have to Give Employees Working in Florida Meal Breaks or Rest Breaks Under Florida Law?
When it comes to meal breaks and rest breaks in Florida, are employers required to give these to employees? In other words, is an employee entitled to a meal break and/or a rest break anytime they are at work? What are the limitations with regard to an employee’s rights to breaks? And does an… Read More »
Painting a Bullseye: New EEOC Guidelines on Retaliation in the Workplace
Think you’re being retaliated against in the workplace? You’re not alone. Did you know that retaliation is the most common workplace issue alleged by employees in federal employment? According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), nearly 50 percent of complaints received involved retaliation allegations, while 42 percent of the EEOC’s findings of discrimination… Read More »
Obesity as a Protected Trait in the Workplace
If your employer discriminates against you at work because of obesity, do you have the same recourse as an employee who is the victim of discrimination based on race, religion, or another protected trait? Or, if obesity cannot be considered a protected trait, can it be classified as a disability under the Americans with… Read More »
Understanding the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
If you are pregnant and end up getting fired after you take time off to have the baby, can you file a workplace discrimination lawsuit? Specifically, is this a form of sex discrimination or pregnancy discrimination? What about a situation in which you need to take time off from work to care for a… Read More »
Florida Law on Bathrooms and Transgender Employees
With North Carolina’s recent passing of House Bill 2 (HB2) and national news outlets focusing on issues of sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination, it is important for employers and employees in Florida to think carefully about the laws in our state for employers and transgender employees using the bathrooms. If a Florida employer… Read More »
Learning More About Harassment in the Workplace
Two Types of Harassment in Your Place of Employment When we hear that someone is filing a workplace harassment lawsuit, what do they mean? And are there different forms of workplace harassment, or is it defined in a more limited way? According to a fact sheet from the U.S. Department of Labor, there are… Read More »
Fighting Age Discrimination at Work
Many employees who are nearing retirement age have concerns about age discrimination at their places of employment. How can you be certain if you have been discriminated against because of age? And are there any steps you can take to prevent age discrimination from happening in the first place? According to a recent article… Read More »
Pregnancy Discrimination at Your Job
What protections do pregnant employees have in the workplace? Thanks to the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 (PDA), which expands Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, discrimination against pregnant employees in the workplace is prohibited under federal law.. The law specifically states that Title VII’s language about the prohibition of discrimination… Read More »
Proving Workplace Harassment
Is it getting easier to prove workplace harassment? A recent article from Bloomberg BNA suggests that “workplace harassment claims based on a single incident between employees appear to be gaining traction with U.S. courts.” A number of recent cases have made their way to federal appeals courts, and the outcomes of those cases largely… Read More »