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Tag Archives: Employment Discrimination Lawyer


Eleventh Circuit Reinforces Convincing Mosaic Standard in Gender and Race Discrimination Cases

By Scott Law Team |

The case of Lewis v. Union City, Georgia, No. 15-11362 (11th Cir. December 15, 2017) involved perception of disability and the convincing mosaic standard for her race and gender claims.  Jacqueline Lewis is an African American police detective who was terminated from her position after ten (10) years of service based on the allegation… Read More »

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Discrimination on the Basis of Marital Status Under Florida Law

By Scott Law Team |

Can your employer discriminate against you on the basis of marital status? No, under the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992 prohibits an employer from discriminating against an employee or a job applicant on the basis of “color, religion, sex, pregnancy, national origin, age, disability, or marital status.”. To better understand what discrimination based… Read More »

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We’ve Got a Job to Do: Employment Patterns, Discrimination, and Immigrant Workers

By Scott Law Team |

From the increase of humanitarian crisis across the globe and asylum-seeking refugees to discussions about “border control,” immigrant workers find themselves at the forefront of many political debates with no signs of slowing down. As our country continues to open its doors to immigrants, who, in turn, begin to represent a larger population of… Read More »

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Not From Around Here? The EEOC Issues Guidelines for National Origin Discrimination at Work

By Scott Law Team |

The United States is commonly referred to as the melting pot of the world – welcoming people from many different countries who are hoping to find freedom and chase the American dream. Unfortunately, not everyone in the United States welcomes those from other countries with open arms. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act… Read More »

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