Tag Archives: EEOC

What Does It Mean to File a Charge of Discrimination and Who Can File One?
If you believe you have been discriminated or retaliated against at your Florida workplace due to your race, religion, national origin, gender, genetic information, disability, age, or sexual orientation, or even if you are an employer who is facing a discrimination charge, you are likely to have a lot of questions about how the… Read More »

EEOC and Mental Health Issues in the Workplace
If you suffer from depression, PTSD, or another mental health condition – there is good news: you have legal rights in the workplace! While this is not a novel idea, it is one that is not widely followed. This prompted , the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in December to issue a publication… Read More »
Painting a Bullseye: New EEOC Guidelines on Retaliation in the Workplace
Think you’re being retaliated against in the workplace? You’re not alone. Did you know that retaliation is the most common workplace issue alleged by employees in federal employment? According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), nearly 50 percent of complaints received involved retaliation allegations, while 42 percent of the EEOC’s findings of discrimination… Read More »
Not From Around Here? The EEOC Issues Guidelines for National Origin Discrimination at Work
The United States is commonly referred to as the melting pot of the world – welcoming people from many different countries who are hoping to find freedom and chase the American dream. Unfortunately, not everyone in the United States welcomes those from other countries with open arms. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act… Read More »
Florida Law on Bathrooms and Transgender Employees
With North Carolina’s recent passing of House Bill 2 (HB2) and national news outlets focusing on issues of sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination, it is important for employers and employees in Florida to think carefully about the laws in our state for employers and transgender employees using the bathrooms. If a Florida employer… Read More »
Tracking Race and Gender Data to Prevent Wage Discrimination
Can we prevent wage discrimination in the workplace if we understand its frequency? According to a recent article in CNN Money, a proposal from the White House would “require companies and federal contractors with more than 100 employees to report race and gender data across 12 different salary ranges to the Equal Employment Opportunity… Read More »
Proving Workplace Harassment
Is it getting easier to prove workplace harassment? A recent article from Bloomberg BNA suggests that “workplace harassment claims based on a single incident between employees appear to be gaining traction with U.S. courts.” A number of recent cases have made their way to federal appeals courts, and the outcomes of those cases largely… Read More »
LGBT Discrimination in the Workplace
Although states across the nation last year witnessed the U.S. Supreme Court’s historic ruling legalizing same-sex marriage, in the question regarding whether it remains legal in the workplace a to discriminate against employees who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) within the is in limbo. Indeed, according to an article in USA… Read More »